If you are an Immigrant don’t stop in the face of
prejudice from others, go ahead and reach that top and succeed.
Every immigrant in a foreign
country has a goal to accomplish in their life, and with it carry out thousands
of dreams, that goal we call progress.
Wherever you go, you will encounter racism and prejudice either directly or indirectly by the people who surround you in either your work or neighborhood.
No matter what is the color of your skin or what your religious beliefs are, you will always encounter an ignorant who will bully you and discriminate you because you're not a native of the country in which you live. But what those people don’t know is the reason why you immigrated to another world many times leaving behind a lifetime and in the worst case scenario, a love.
Those people who do discriminate you in many cases for not having full command of the language yet having total control of your skills in the workplace and they will bully you act in racist ways against you because as an immigrant you have something they lack and that is called a desire to excel. Improvement does not exist in their minds nor in their lives and therefore there is when you can apply the famous saying " Everyone throws stones to the ripe fruit " through this they will try to ridicule you and if they can’t ruin your desire to excel they will try to make your life impossible and if that latter technique does not work then they will dishonor your name because they can’t keep up with your pace at work while they just want to sit down and sending others to do the things they themselves should be doing.
Remember something "in this world there are many chiefs and not enough leaders" for the simple fact that everyone wants to be the head of the lion and no one wants to be the tail of the mouse but if you want to get to the top first you have to climb and overcome the many obstacles that were placed by others who are today in the top because they don’t want those that are below them to rise and be better than them.
Wherever you go, you will encounter racism and prejudice either directly or indirectly by the people who surround you in either your work or neighborhood.
No matter what is the color of your skin or what your religious beliefs are, you will always encounter an ignorant who will bully you and discriminate you because you're not a native of the country in which you live. But what those people don’t know is the reason why you immigrated to another world many times leaving behind a lifetime and in the worst case scenario, a love.
Those people who do discriminate you in many cases for not having full command of the language yet having total control of your skills in the workplace and they will bully you act in racist ways against you because as an immigrant you have something they lack and that is called a desire to excel. Improvement does not exist in their minds nor in their lives and therefore there is when you can apply the famous saying " Everyone throws stones to the ripe fruit " through this they will try to ridicule you and if they can’t ruin your desire to excel they will try to make your life impossible and if that latter technique does not work then they will dishonor your name because they can’t keep up with your pace at work while they just want to sit down and sending others to do the things they themselves should be doing.
Remember something "in this world there are many chiefs and not enough leaders" for the simple fact that everyone wants to be the head of the lion and no one wants to be the tail of the mouse but if you want to get to the top first you have to climb and overcome the many obstacles that were placed by others who are today in the top because they don’t want those that are below them to rise and be better than them.
Have you ever been in this situation?
Tell us your story
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Si Eres Inmigrante No Te Frenes Ante Prejuicios
Ajenos, Sigue Adelante Y Alcanza Esa Sima.
Todo inmigrante en un país
ajeno al de procedencia tiene una meta por cumplir en su vida, y con ella
llevar a cabo miles de sueños, dicha meta la llamamos progreso.
Donde quiera que emigres te encontrarás con racismo y prejuicio ya sea directa o indirectamente por parte de las personas que te rodeen ya sea en tu trabajo o vecindario.
No importa cuál sea tu color de piel o creencias religiosas, siempre tendrás un ignorante que te hará “bullying” y te discriminará porque no eres nativo del país en el cual resides, pero lo que esas personas desconocen es la razón por la cual inmigraste a otro mundo dejando en muchas ocasiones toda una vida atrás y en el peor de los casos un amor.
Esas personas que te discriminan en la mayoría de los casos por no tener dominio completo del idioma pero si teniendo dominio total de tus destrezas en el área de trabajo en la mayor parte de las ocasiones te harán “bullying” y te tratarán de maneras racistas porque tu como inmigrante tienes algo de lo que ellos carecen y eso se llama deseo de superación.
Donde quiera que emigres te encontrarás con racismo y prejuicio ya sea directa o indirectamente por parte de las personas que te rodeen ya sea en tu trabajo o vecindario.
No importa cuál sea tu color de piel o creencias religiosas, siempre tendrás un ignorante que te hará “bullying” y te discriminará porque no eres nativo del país en el cual resides, pero lo que esas personas desconocen es la razón por la cual inmigraste a otro mundo dejando en muchas ocasiones toda una vida atrás y en el peor de los casos un amor.
Esas personas que te discriminan en la mayoría de los casos por no tener dominio completo del idioma pero si teniendo dominio total de tus destrezas en el área de trabajo en la mayor parte de las ocasiones te harán “bullying” y te tratarán de maneras racistas porque tu como inmigrante tienes algo de lo que ellos carecen y eso se llama deseo de superación.
La superación en sus
mentes y sus vidas no existe y por ende sucede el famoso refrán "Al fruto
maduro todo el mundo le tira piedras" mediante ello intentaran ponerte en
ridículo y si no pueden arruinar tus deseos de superación tratarán de hacerte
la vida imposible y si esa última técnica no les funciona entonces ensuciaran tu
nombre porque ellos no podrán seguir tu paso de trabajo mientras ellos solo
quieren estar sentados mandando a los demás las cosas que ellos deben de hacer.
Recuerda algo "en este mundo existen muchos jefes y pocos lideres" por el simple hecho de que todo el mundo quiere ser cabeza de león y nadie cola de ratón pero si quieres llegar a la sima primero tienes que escalar y superar los miles de obstáculos que las demás personas que hoy día están en la sima pusieron, porque no quieren que los que están abajo suban y sean mejores que ellos.
Recuerda algo "en este mundo existen muchos jefes y pocos lideres" por el simple hecho de que todo el mundo quiere ser cabeza de león y nadie cola de ratón pero si quieres llegar a la sima primero tienes que escalar y superar los miles de obstáculos que las demás personas que hoy día están en la sima pusieron, porque no quieren que los que están abajo suban y sean mejores que ellos.
Alguna vez te has encontrado en esta situación?
Cuentanos tu historia.
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